It is very exciting to announce that Elmbrook Rotarians have surpassed the Community Service fund raising goal set to develop and expand the library at SaintA.  The goal was $1000.00 and to date we have raised $1,325.00 as a result of donations from club members for Boston Store Community Days Booklets that were sold over the past month.
The check will be presented to Michelle Fox, SaintA’s  librarian, at the Christmas party on December 10th. Community Days is a fund-raising event for local nonprofit and school organizations that provides them with a fun and easy way to raise money.
Prior to announcement of the library fund raising endeavor, Bonnie and Kathy toured the existing library at SaintA to find it meager at best. Most of the books in the room were limited to donated books and there was only $100 available to purchase books and resource materials that met the needs of the residential students.
According to Kathy Becker, "Staff at SaintA actually witnessed a teacher in the library searching for free apps on her laptop that she could use to assist the boys in reading.  She was thrilled to find a free app that pronounced words that a student could not recognize. According to her, the 16 year olds are too embarrassed to admit their limitations of word recognition; thus, the app word pronunciation saves them the embarrassment."
Library development updates at SaintA will be provided as students from Cardinal Stritch will be coming on board to help with the extension of the library. In addition, the Elm Grove Librarian, thanks to Jack Nelson, is reviewing ways that the staff may be of assistance. 
Thanks again to everyone for not only meeting the goal but surpassing it! You have just given a holiday gift that will keep on giving.
Chairpersons - Kathy Becker, Bonnie Bertram, and Jeanne Allen