Posted by Jackson Bubolz on May 31, 2022
On 27 May, Trish Nitschke of the Center for Business Communication Excellence met with the Elmbrook Rotary Club (ERC) to share ideas on how to make one's brand more visible. Take-aways that can be used for business or personal branding are:
  • Build relationships with local news people. Share 3-5 stories each year with them
  • Make stories compelling and easy to understand, with visuals packaged ahead of time if possible 
  • Many mediums are available to leverage: 
    • Local news
    • Podcasts
    • Social media 
As the ERC continues to attract new members from all areas of our community, it was a treat to have Trish share top ideas around branding. Because these strategies are readily available for growing businesses and personal brands, there is carryover to how ERC can leverage these strategies to grow awareness of our club and increase the impact we make. 
Please consider bringing a friend to our next 7:00 a.m.  breakfast meeting to hear great speakers like Trish! 