Posted by William Selzer
The World Affairs Seminar, “Peace Through Understanding” is a “unique interactive educational program for high school students sponsored by Rotary International District 6270. It is a weeklong experience providing an opportunity for international students to discuss issues in a non-threatening environment.”
The Seminar was started in 1977 with over 30,000 future world leaders participating in this great program. For many years, Elmbrook Rotary has sponsored two delegates from Brookfield East High School.
At a recent meeting, Doug Jacobson introduced Brinnly Ward and Ava Hicks, the clubs two representatives to the 2024 World Affairs Seminar that recently took place at Carroll University. The theme this year was “Democracy and Governance: Evolving Global Perspectives”.  Brinnly and Ava thanked the club for their sponsorship, gave a synopsis of the Diplomacy Simulation exercise, including highlights of their experience of collaboration and international friendship building.
180 students were divided into groups with the task of finding a diplomatic solution to a regional issue between the hypothetical democratic nations of Parmandy and Mapon over the Alaka region. The goal was to find an agreeable solution and secure a treaty between the groups. The solution for one of the groups was to have a signed fair treaty that created an “autonomous region”.
Brinnly and Ava reviewed their roles, group collaboration, and peaceful resolution for the simulation challenge.
Ava shared that it was “a truly an incredible experience to be part of the World Affairs Seminar that I will remember forever. I learned a lot about government politics and learned about friendships and building relationships with people that don’t’ necessarily have the same viewpoints as you.”
Brinnly discovered “How we can work through true world affairs…it is not always going to be easy. There are going to be strong personalities everywhere… It was a good lesson to learn.”
They both met “a great group of people from around the world… hoping to stay in touch.”
Very nice presentation Ava and Brinnly!
To learn more about the World Affair Seminar 2024 visit