Three Marquette University students, Laura, Ian and Ben gave a presentation on the Guatemala Cruz Chich and Chumisa Water Project that the Engineers Without Borders Club have been working on for the past year. The project goal is to provide potable water from an up-mountain spring to 3700 residents via 468 water taps located throughout the target communities.
An assessment trip was conducted in August of 2024 to evaluate the spring and tank sites, test the water, and review the needs of the communities. This collaborative program along with support from the Elmbrook and other Rotary clubs, will provide a greatly needed clean water source that will reduce the waterborne illnesses that have plagued the region… reducing the need to haul water great distances and resulting in an improved attendance int schools.
This group of engineering students are “dedicated to the practice of sustainability of long-lasting engineering solutions for our communities to thrive”. And, to build the next generation of globally responsible engineers… equipping students with the leadership expertise to address critical infrastructure problems, “through a true partnership with those requesting our services”.
For more information and to learn about their upcoming Silent Auction Program, February 22, 2025 at the Brown Deer Park Clubhouse, contact them at mu.ewb@marquette.edu.