There were a lot of good feelings this morning, and some bleary eyes, following last night’s Christmas party for the boys at SaintA's. There were also plenty of Happy Fines congratulating the fine job of organization by Bonnie Bertram, Jan and Darcy Constable, Kevin Roche, Wally Smanski, Jeanne Allen, Kathy Becker, Greg Bonk, Dan Roads, Thom Arndt, and everyone else who helped out. Special thanks to Lind Edelstein for bringing the MYSO Steel Band to give our party a tropical Caribbean flair. Christmas is about sharing and it’s especially important to the young men at SaintA's who are going through some tough times too early in life. This is truly the Spirit of Rotary Present and is a rewarding experience for all who participate.
This morning's meeting theme centered on  “Change and New Ideas” with our speaker – Steve Spector of Sikich Accountants and Advisors who talked about changes in the insurance industry and marketplace.  With newer, more flexible products, integration of financial services across many professions, the industry has changed dramatically to meet the changing needs of people as they move through the stages of life.
The theme of "Change" was also noted by long time Club Member, Bill Isbister who found himself adrift when his smartphone crashed and he lost his entire calendar. When he sought out an older person who was manager of the phone store for help, yet couldn't provide any, Bill was ready to give up. That is until a young, "spikey-haired," 20-something associate took over and – zip zip – everything was OK, restored and back to normal. The lesson in the modern world is that all wisdom is not stored beneath a head of grey hair.
Finally, a "Change" was seen where, for the first time since he joined the club 7 years ago, Club President Tom Curl won our weekly raffle – amazingly, his winning number was 777!
Next week we will be visited by a few mystery guests as we celebrate out traditional ERC Christmas Breakfast. Be sure to be there to lend your voice to Christmas songs during this special celebration.