Posted on Sep 07, 2023
It's that time of the year when a "Final Report" is due for each Mini-Grant awarded in 2022-2023. In fact, a new Mini-Grant cannot be awarded to an organization unless a Final Report has been received.
One of the first Final Reports already received came from the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MHVI). Its "Bikes for Stripes" program was awarded a $3,000 Mini-Grant in 2022-2023 from the Elmbrook Rotary Foundation.
Debbie Buchanan, MHVI's leader and executive director, included the following in her Final Report:
"Thus far in 2023, 101 bikes have been distributed.  The program truly makes a difference. For example, we had a veteran scheduled for a job interview and reached out to us for transportation assistance.  His dilemma was that the job was located on a bus route, but the route ends 1 ½ miles before reaching his destination.  We were able to provide him with a reliable bicycle that he could take on the bus and then ride the rest of the way.  The veteran reported to staff that he was hired and is working full-time.  It will take him several months to save enough money to purchase a vehicle, but how grateful he was for the Bikes for Stripes Program – not only was he able to get to the interview, he got the job!"
A fillable PDF for the Mini-Grant "Final Report" can be accessed by clicking here.